Rick Burnett

The RedBeard Yogi

The RedBeard Yogi


Several years ago Rick grew weary of the stifling confines of academia. After wandering in the wilderness for some time, he found yoga and fell in love. Next he moved to Okinawa and fell in love again. Seriously, he’s pretty sure he was born for this island life thing. 

In his spare time when he’s not twisting himself into a pretzel (or teaching others to do the same), he’s having ink shoved in his skin, cleaning up other people’s messes, taking ridiculously long walks, and looking for any excuse to get out on the water on his stand-up paddle board. 

Rick teaches classes aimed at making yoga accessible for those new to the practice while still challenging experienced yogis. His style focuses heavily on breath in conjunction with controlled movement in the context of a balanced and safe practice. With his scruffy beard, heavily tattooed skin, and sarcastic sense of humor he might not come off as a Lululemon runway model, but he is dedicated to providing his students with the best yoga experience possible.  

Having completed advanced teacher training, Rick is an RYT 500 level yoga instructor and holds additional certificates in SUP Yoga, SUP Guide, and Yin Yoga... Plus a bunch of other boring academic stuff. 

Someday he might grow up and become an adult, but just as in a yoga class, I wouldn’t hold your breath.

Rick specializes in private and semi-private/small group vinyasa, yin, and standup paddle board (SUP) yoga. He operates a small private home studio on Kadena AB.

Languages: English, Southern US English

