About OYC OYCについて
Yogis Working Together ヨガで一緒に活動しませんか
OYC is dedicating to connecting quality yoga instructors with students, businesses, and each other. Because of the diverse and unique populations that make up Okinawa, OYC aims to be the premiere resource for both Japanese and foreign yogis looking to find teachers and authentic peer-to-peer friendship.
For all certified yoga instructors, OYC holds regular meetings and workshops to discuss issues of collaboration, marketing, and continuing education. Members of OYC may have their profile listed in the directory. Contact us to have your profile listed.
Group Objectives
As a group, OYC aims to:
1) Provide a place for certified yoga teachers to connect, share business and training opportunities, and nurture their yoga business.
2) Provide a place for Japanese speaking and English speaking teachers to connect and share, and create an international relationship.
3) Provide a platform to consolidate and share biography and training information for all Yoga Instructors that are residing in Okinawa.
4) Provide a public resource consisting of individual yoga instructors, yoga trainings and workshop information.
1. ヨガ講師として活動している方たちが他の講師とつながり、情報交換しながら相互の成長を図るための場所を提供します。
2. 日本人、外国人の講師の交流を深め、国際的なヨガ活動環境を作ります。
3. 沖縄県内在住の講師のプロフィールと活動内容を集約し、共有できるプラットフォームを提供します。
4. ヨガ講師に必要な情報、トレーニングやワークショップ情報を共有できる場所を提供します。
Membership Requirements: Must be a certified Yoga Instructor at the 200 hour level or higher. Must engage in fair and appropriate business practices consistent with the yamas and the niyamas. Any member that engages in business practices that are not consistent with these requirements will be removed, banned from the group, and prohibited from sharing on the website. There are no membership fees, participation is voluntary.
会員条件:200時間、または同等のトレーニングを修了していること。Yama, Niyamaの精神に基づいた公正なヨガ指導、活動をしていること。本会にふさわしくないと思われる場合は参加をお断り、または資格を剥奪することがあります。入会、または会員であるための費用は発生しません。参加は自由です。