Ethical Conduct for OYC - OYC活動規約
Personal and Professional Observances for Yoga Teachers
OYC members believe that to maintain a strong and sustainable yoga community on this diverse island, we must adhere to the principles of the yogic philosophy not only in our daily life, but in our business practices as well.
Applying the Yoga Sutras to Business Practices
The Yamas in Business | ヤマの精神に則った活動
Ahimsa | アヒムサ
Ahimsa means non-harming to self an others. OYC members shall not bring physical or mental harm to others through their business practices or teachings.
Satya | サティヤ
Satya means truthfulness. OYC members shall be transparent and forthcoming about their education and experience. Members shall be truthful to others regarding their own or others’ business efforts. Members will only teach special classes, workshops and trainings in areas where they have personal experience, training, and expertise.
Asteya | アスティア
Asteya means non-stealing or not taking what is not given. OYC members shall not steal business ideas, opportunities or clients from others. Members shall not directly solicit students from other teachers with the intent to steal. Members shall respect the intellectual property of other teachers. Members should be able to enjoy a safe place for sharing ideas and learning best practices in order to further the community of yoga teachers as a whole. The subject of yoga is vast and deep, there are many ways to share yoga and many topics for special workshops and trainings.
Brahmacharya | 禁欲
Brahmacharya means right use of energy and can be interpreted to refer to sexual energy as well. OYC members must work to observe this concept in practice and in life. Additionally, members shall not engage in any sexual misconduct including but not limited to: sexual harassment, and misuse of teacher/student relationships.
Aparigraha means non-attachment, non-greed, and non-possessiveness. OYC members shall enjoy an abundance mentality in the business of yoga within this small community and not claim ownership to things like students, venues for teaching, etc. Recognizing that students have free will, that there will be duplication of topics for special classes and trainings, but that it is in the community’s best interest to openly share these topics. OYC seeks to help yoga teachers with the timing of their programs by offering a place to list and advertise.
The Niyamas in Business | ニヤマ(勧戒)の精神に則った活動
Saucha | 清潔さ
Saucha means purity of mind, speech, and body. OYC members shall keep interactions with other members and their students in a positive manner and will not slander fellow members or their students during meetings or outside of OYC gatherings.
Santosha means contentment. OYC members shall keep a positive environment during gatherings and interactions with the community and while conducting business related to yoga. Members will use meeting times to positively reinforce each other intellectually and spiritually to facilitate contentment in the business of teaching yoga.
Tapas means effort and self-discipline towards self-realization. OYC members shall remain committed to their own practice of yoga to realize their own spiritual goals.
Svadyaya means self study. OYC members shall remain true to this concept of studying the self for the purposes of personal growth. Personal growth for yoga teachers is the foundation of success in business, and we want OYC members to succeed.
Ishvara Pranidhana
Ishvara Pranidhana means devotion to spirit. OYC members understand the universal truth that we are all one and shall conduct personal and business practices with this in mind by offering the intellectual and spiritual fruits of their teachings to the greater good of the community.